Dual-Purpose Software License

Open source software is a great hobby, but a lousy business model.

We have seen a number of software companies have difficulties finding a solution so they they can be simultaneously profit generating and open source. One of the lessons learned from the 1990s dot com business boom was that the businesses most likely to fail were ones where their business model was “give X away for free, and make money on Y”.

There are two legal principles that should be taken into account, or at least intentionally ignored.

  • In the U.S. software without a license attached is presumed to be proprietary. This is why open source software needs to have a license attached.
  • There is a legal principle that items not specified in a contract should be decided to the benefit of the person who did not write the contract. This gives rise to incredibly long and complex end user license agreements. I’m not sure of the legal implication of using a license agreement someone else wrote, but so far the open source software movement has gotten away with fairly minimal license agreements. Personally, I like having an easily read software license.

Here is Dave Young’s suggestion for a better software license for this situation.  Feel free to modify it as you see fit. Note: Dave Young is not a lawyer, although he has dealt with a number of legal aspects as an intellectual property creator.


NAME: The dual-purpose license for software


  • To allow both open source and proprietary development of the software.
  • To allow versions of the software to transition between open source and proprietary development.
  • To discourage anti-competitive practices.
  • To have a readable license agreement.
  • To encourage good practices by both software developers and users.
  • To address concerns by those using the software that the software could one day be unavailable.


This license can be modified for your product, but once attached to a product the only allowed modification to the license is activating or deactivating the optional clause, and designating if it is a proprietary or open source copy.

This software can be developed as both public domain and proprietary versions or code tree branches.

Multiple organizations may make proprietary versions based on the public domain version of the code.

Code in the public domain must remain accessible in the public domain.

Any organization can use some or all of the public domain code to make a proprietary commercial product. Additions to the software made by an organization as part of a commercial product can remain proprietary if the company is meeting one or more of these criteria.

  • The software is being actively developed.
  • The software is being sold at a competitive price.
  • The organization offers contract research services using the software at a competitive price.
  • The organization is using the software internally for the development of its products.

If a commercial version of the software no longer meets any of these criteria, the organization is required to contribute the code, with all changes and additions they have made, back to the public domain.

If sales of commercial version are discontinued, a copy of the code at that point must be made public domain (even if the software will still be developed and used in house).

Proprietary code, or portions of it, can be contributed to the public domain version at the maker’s discretion.

New code contributed to the public domain version can be integrated into proprietary versions.

Functionality may not be removed from the public domain version.

  • This does not preclude fixing bugs.
  • If functionality is unsuccessful or replaced, the old code can be kept but have no call path to use it, put in a source file not included in the link, commented out, or preserved by some similar method.
  • This requirement should not limit the ability of developers to make
    updates, improvements, or additions to the code.

Open source versions must be available free or “at cost” in a form that is usable and relatively easy to install/compile by the end user.

Open source versions can also be sold or repackaged for sale (i.e. sold as a compiled product, as part of a software collection, or with a more convenient installer, etc.).

Proprietary versions can be available for a charge (including annual, node locked, floating, per hour, perpetual, source code, cloud, various discounts, libraries, API access, and any other options), with no free option required (but it is allowed).

Proprietary versions can have a license enforcement mechanism added, but it must be removed or easily disabled in open source versions.


The terms of this license extends to any software for which the majority of its functionality is only usable in conjunction with software under this license. There can be proprietary extensions to open source code and open source extensions to proprietary code (i.e. pre and post processing).

Once a body of code is put under this license agreement, it and its future versions and extensions remain under this license agreement in perpetuity.

This license does NOT extend to products (i.e. chemical compounds) developed through the use of this software.

This license puts NO restrictions or requirements on those developing or using the software to publish methods, results, performance comparisons, etc.

This license can be applied to software that began open source only, or began proprietary only.

The software can be distributed under other names, as long as this license is included.


Those developing the code must make a good faith effort to make functioning, bug free software.

Those developing the code must make a good faith effort to make the code perform its stated function (within the limitations of the underlying mathematical approximations, algorithm, etc.).

Those developing the code must make a good faith effort to provide good documentation, including input examples, and a discussion of when or why a given feature would be used (if not obvious).

Those developing the code must make a good faith effort to follow good software development practices where applicable.


Those using the software have an obligation to report any bugs, limitations, or problems encountered in using the code, if not already reported or documented.

Those using the software have an obligation to determine situations in which the methods (which may be only approximations) may give qualitatively or quantitatively incorrect results, and to use the software accordingly.


Both developers and users of the software have an obligation to keep this license agreement with the software, both when the software is in source code form and in executable form.


Users may not hold developers liable for any failings of the software to work as expected.

Developers may not hold users liable for failures to use the software in an appropriate manner.

OPTIONAL: (designate if activated or deactivated)

ACTIVATED The software must be used for peaceful, civilian purposes. It may not be used for development or testing of nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons.


This is a PROPRIETARY version of the source code and software.



One example of an anti-competitive practice prohibited by this license is removing functionality for import/export in a format that is interoperable with other software.

Reasons for considering deactivating the optional clause.

  • The software might be needed to fight some future Hitler in some future Manhattan project.
  • This clause may prevent the developers from getting government grants. Even if it doesn’t now, government regulations change over time.
  • This clause would almost certainly decrease the income of a commercial product, but how much is unknown.